
Contributions to Saba RCR-414 (current version)



Version Date User
2015-08-16 20:50 Reli
2019-06-30 02:39 Reli
2019-06-16 17:20 Reli
2017-07-19 21:41 Reli
2017-07-19 21:10 Reli
2017-07-19 21:02 Reli
2017-07-19 21:00 Reli
2015-09-26 20:59 Reli
2015-08-23 20:17 Reli
2015-08-23 20:17 Reli
2015-08-23 20:14 Reli
2015-08-21 15:43 Reli
2015-08-16 20:51 Reli
2015-08-16 20:50 Reli


Author Words Whitespaces Characters Printable characters
Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted
Reli 57 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 49 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 283 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 215 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Total 57 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 49 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 283 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 215 (100.0%) 0 (100 %)

Page changes

Incredible number of buttons. It is a 9 volt model which contains two Hitachi TBA810SH amp chips. According to Hitachi, this would mean 2.5 watts per channel when using batteries, 4.2W at 12 volts, or 6 watts per channel at 14.4 volts, 7W at 16V (into 4 ohms at 1kHz and 10% THD).