
FAQ's (general) Help

General FAQ's regarding WikiBoombox



Question: Do I need to register (login) in order to use this website?

No, you may peruse as you like. However, there may be features unavailable to you as an anonymous user. As we are still in the process of developing the website, we are still undecided what additional priviledges will be granted to registered vs anonymous users.

Question: How do I contact the administrators of this website?

Send an email to Admin at WikiBoombox.com and put the following in the subject line: "Wikiboombox FAQ Inquiry regarding: Put Topic Here" or the message may automatically be sent to spam folder and not read.

Question: How do I submit or suggest corrections, contributions, or other information to the website?

Please send an email to Admin at WikiBoombox.com and put the following in the subject line: "Wikiboombox Contributions". Or if you are a registered user, you can use the MESSAGES feature from the menu bar: (My Tiki -> Messages). We can accept model specific information, corrections or omissions, and if you have photos you would like to share, we could certainly use them. HOWEVER, we can only accept your own personal photos and not photos you've captured from another website. You acknowledge by emailing submissions that you are giving permission to Wikiboombox to use the information on the website and we are free to edit the content for editorial purposes and to ensure consistency throughout the website. Please understand that this information once embedded become the property of Wikiboombox and photos may be watermarked to prevent harvesting of the images by image harvesters (unless you specifically state in your submission that you do not wish the images to have wikiboombox watermark embedded), although we highly recommend that watermarking be allowed otherwise, the images could some day end up being used by someone making T-Shirts or iPhone covers on eBay and we will be unable to assist you in getting those images recovered once they are harvested. Additional information can be found on the Content Contributions wiki.

Question: I am a boombox enthusiast and would like to actively participate in developing the content on this website. Do you accept contributor candidates.
Answer  Please contact us (see other question: How do I contact the administrator of this website) so we may discuss this. We are actively looking for contributors we can trust, and this job is not for everyone. Additional information is available at the Content Contributions wiki page.
Question: An image displayed in your website belongs to me. I did not give permission for you to use it. How can I get it removed?

We do not harvest photos from other websites on the internet. We do however accept photo contributions from users and while we make clear that photos are supposed to be from that user's personal collection, we are unable to ascertain with any certainty that all images sent to us were in fact original and not harvested from someplace else. If you would like the photo removed, we will honor your request. Simply contact us with your full name and contact information, and a statement identifying a photo as yours, and your desire to have it removed. Also clearly identify to us which photo (include a likeness so we can compare to ensure we are speaking of the same image). However, we ask that instead, you consider providing us permission to use the photo to further the informational cause of this website and benefit all users and boombox collectors or enthusiasts. Our contact information is available under the question: (How do I contact the administrators of this website).

The content on this page is licensed under the terms of the Copyright.

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