This is a list of all known Teleton boomboxes from the 1980's. Click the links for more info about each model.


Teleton SCR-101
Teleton SCR-500
Teleton SCR-501
Teleton SCR-701
Teleton SCR-700G
Teleton SCR-800
Teleton SCR-810 (this is nearly identical to the Poppy RR-550, please visit that page)
Teleton SDR-4000
Teleton SDR-4001
Teleton SPR-310
Teleton SPR-420
Teleton TPC-10 (this is nearly identical to the Maximal 3040, please visit that page)
Teleton VST-8000 (this is nearly identical to the General VST-8000, please visit that page)

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Sunday 14 of June, 2020 01:07:02 GMT by Reli.
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