
Hitachi TRK-8080

The TRK-8080 was a mid-sized ghettoblaster from Hitachi. It was introduced in the year 1978. In Japan its suggested price was 62,800 Yen. It is very high quality, with solid build, nice-feeling controls, and lots of shiny metal trim. It also has both Line In and Line Out.

It measures 489 x 272 x 131mm. It has 16cm woofers (4 ohm) and 5cm tweeters (8 ohm). The tape deck's wow and flutter rating is 0.1% WRMS, and the frequency response is 50 to 12,000 Hz when using Chrome tape. The output power is 2x4 watts, which is a bit less than the 2x5 watts provided by the TRK-8180.

Beware, this model often suffers from cloudy tape doors, but you can usually fix that with some plastic polish.




Model number variations include TRK-8080E and TRK-8080W

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