The Sony MusiCan was available in both mono (CFM-11) and stereo (CFS-11P) versions.

Sony CFM-11 and CFS-11P MusiCan

There were two versions of this boombox; the CFM-11 and the CFS-11P. They look very similar, but you can see on the control panel that the CFS-11P has an additional switch for FM Stereo. This means that despite having only one speaker, it can still send an FM stereo signal to the headphones. It also has stereo microphones, and dual headphone jacks.

Power output is 3.5 watts EIAJ/DC. The speaker was 10cm diameter in the original versions, but was upgraded to 12cm in the Mark II versions.




Created by Reli. Last Modification: Wednesday 15 of January, 2020 19:14:06 GMT by Reli.
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