One of the most mass-produced boomboxes of all time, the TRC-931 underwent 3 different design generations.

Lasonic TRC-931

The Lasonic TRC-931 enjoyed one of the longest production runs in boombox history. Starting in the early 80's, this model had 3 design generations, and then was re-born in the late 2000's as the Lasonic i-931. The version shown below is one of the first generation models. There's something about its flashy looks, colorful graphics, and sparkly chrome that simply begs to be added to your collection. Looks that good can't be ignored.

It actually sounds pretty good despite its cheap construction. The 8" woofers have soft, flexible surrounds for good bass. The packaging said "Peak Music Power 2x50W", but everyone knows peak music power is nonsense. The owners manual says continuous RMS output is 2x15W. Assuming that's true, that's actually quite good for that time period. Consider that the Sharp GF-777 only made 2x12W.




Note: There was a re-branded version called the Olympic CRC-3002G. It was sold in Italy, and it appears to be identical except for the brand name.

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