This is a list of all known Sansui portable audio products from the 1980's. Click each model for more info.



The Sansui brand is legendary among hi-fi enthusiasts. It sold many high-quality home audio components. What many people do not know, however, is that Sansui also sold many portables as well, such as the ones listed below. Sometime during the 90's the Sansui name was abandoned and re-purchased by companies making cheap products that have absolutely no relation to the quality Sansui products of old.

Sansui CP-5
Sansui CP-7
Sansui CP-55W
Sansui CP-77W
Sansui CP-99W
Sansui FX-300
Sansui FX-500
Sansui FX-700
Sansui FX-M10
Sansui MC-X7
Sansui PRC-D380
Sansui RC-D770

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Saturday 27 of May, 2023 20:09:13 GMT by Reli.
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