This is a list of all known portable stereos (boomboxes) with the Philco brand.


Philco boombox models are listed below. It's a mix of 1980s and 2010s models.

Philco 112K
Philco 558K
Philco 655K
Philco PB119BT
Philco PB120N
Philco PB121BT
Philco PB126
Philco PB330BT (this is like the Toshiba TY-CWU500)
Philco PB350BT
Philco PB500BT (this is like the Blaupunkt BB-1000)
Philco PH61
Philco PH229N
Philco PH61N2
Philco PH650
Philco PMS-550D
Philco PSS-100
Philco PSS-101
Philco PSS-201

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Monday 04 of May, 2020 02:52:31 GMT by Reli.
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