National RX-XE520
The RX-XE520 was a 3-piece boombox from National Panasonic. It's massively powerful (2x36 watts into 6 ohms at 1 kHz with no more than 5% total harmonic distortion). It was obviously intended to compete with the Sony FH series. It is equipped with every feature under the sun, including two logic-controlled decks (both with autoreverse), a 7-band graphic equalizer, a 5-band spectrum analyzer, and a nice lighted tuner. It measures 23" wide, 11" deep, and 10 1/2" high. You can run it with 10 D-cell batteries, but they would quickly be exhausted, because it is powered by two STK-4311 amplifiers. The speakers are very nice. They are true 4-way speakers, because each has a 12cm square AFD woofer, a 5cm midrange speaker, and two 3.5cm tweeters (each pointed a different direction). The AFD woofer often rots with age, but you can buy new foam surrounds HERE.