The GEN-3995 was a small boombox from 1981 or earlier. It has both cassette AND 8-track players.

Montgomery Ward GEN-3995

This is Ward's GEN-3995A and GEN-3995B boombox (I don't know what the difference was between the A and B versions). I'm not sure which year it came out, but I found a listing for it in Ward's 1981 catalog, priced at $179. Today you can find one on Ebay nearly every week, so it must have been one of Ward's more popular models. It has both cassette AND 8-track players. It was made in Taiwan and takes 6 D-cell batteries. According to the service manual, its power output is 1.5 watts per channel (minimum) from 80 to 15,000 Hz at 10% distortion.





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