This is a list of all known portable stereos (boomboxes) with the JCPenney brand. Most are from the 80's.



JC Penney, officially written as JCPenney® and often misspelled as JC Penny, is an American department store chain. They sold a line of boomboxes too. The models are listed below. Remember there's a difference between the catalog number and the model number. JCPenney catalog numbers began with the numbers 851, but the actual model numbers began with 681.

JCPenney 681-3002
JCPenney 681-3015
JCPenney 681-3023
JCPenney 681-3024, catalog number 851-2667 (this is like the Lloyds V444)
JCPenney 681-3037
JCPenney 681-3045, catalog number 851-2733
JCPenney 681-3047
JCPenney 681-3054
JCPenney 681-3061
JCPenney 681-3824
JCPenney 681-3863
JCPenney 681-3884
JCPenney 681-3887 (catalog number 851-1516)
JCPenney 681-3890 (this is a re-styled Toshiba RT-8440S)
JCPenney 681-3895 (this is a re-styled Toshiba RT-200S)
JCPenney 681-3901 (this is a re-styled Readers Digest PB-2)
JCPenney 681-3903 (this is a re-styled GE 3-5267A)
JCPenney 681-3915
JCPenney 681-3940
JCPenney 681-3946
JCPenney 681-3949 (catalog number 851-0489)
JCPenney 681-3950
JCPenney 681-6003
JCPenney 681-6531
JCPenney 681-6534
JCPenney 681-6553
JCPenney 681-6559
JCPenney 681-6601 (catalog number 851-2626)

Did we miss any models? Please advise us so we can update this list.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday 26 of September, 2022 10:43:35 GMT by Reli.
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