Here is a list of Bigston boombox models from the 1970s and 80s.


Bigston BR-600
Bigston BSD-230
Bigston KRD-1230
Bigston KRD-1240
Bigston KRD-1520
Bigston KRD-1620
Bigston KRD-2120
Bigston KRD-8020
Bigston KRM-1620
Bigston KSQ-1020 (year 1977)
Bigston KSQ-1530
Bigston KSQ-5140 (this model is nearly identical to the Universum 8800 Super Stereo, please visit that page for information).
Bigston MRD-5030
Bigston MRD-5130
Bigston PC-9090
Bigston PL-200

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Tuesday 22 of June, 2021 00:18:05 GMT by Reli.
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