This is a true monster, one of the longest boomboxes ever built. It says 1000 watts on the grills but we all know that's bull.

Berecha J1000N

This model was made in China (most likely between 1987-1990, judging by its styling and construction). At 42 inches, it's one of the longest boomboxes ever built! It's very similar to the Condor HX-910, so we think they were made by the same factory. It's got detachable 3-way speakers with 6.5" woofers, 2.5" mids, and 2" tweeters made in China by "Fu Le". It also has a 10-band EQ, a digital clock, a burglar alarm, and wireless mic capability. The speaker grills say "1000 Watts", but the amplifier is a single Sanyo LA4700 chip, which according to Google is only 12 watts (I don't know if that's total or per channel).




Created by Reli. Last Modification: Tuesday 28 of January, 2025 04:20:35 GMT by Reli.
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