Very large boombox with nice VU meters. It was also known as the Candle JTR-1287 and the Samsung ST-775.

Helix HX-4630

This good looking box is the Helix HX-4630. It has a 'better than average' sound, is easy to haul around, doesn't eat up batteries, and has never let me down. The big VU meters look great. There are metal bars on the upper corners for using a shoulder strap. Don't mind the duct tape and blems. This is how I got it, and I have not done a restoration on it yet.

It's a big boy, measuring 22 inches long (including the tuner knob), and 12.4 inches tall (handle down). It has 6-inch woofers and 2-inch tweeters. All 4 speakers say "4 ohms, 6 watts". It's very easy to work on. All the controls are easy to clean, after you remove the front case. But first, you will need to open the tape door and remove the window plate (by pulling it upwards). You cannot disassemble this box until you do that. If the door refuses to open, push a credit card into the top of the door, to release the door lock which is located in the upper right corner.

There are a couple re-brands of this model, including the Candle JTR-1287 and the Samsung ST-775. In fact, the speaker magnets say Samsung, so maybe the whole thing was built by Samsung. The label says it was made in Korea, and as you know, Samsung is a Korean company. But wait....the meter glass says "Sony". So, who knows?





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Created by blu_fuz. Last Modification: Saturday 03 of August, 2019 20:57:13 GMT by Reli.
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