This is a list of Marc, Mark, or Mark Prelude branded radios and ghettoblasters from the 1970s and 80s

Marc or Mark

This is a list of radios branded Marc, Marc II, Mark, or Mark Prelude. I don't know if they were made by the same manufacturer.

Marc NR-24F2
Marc NR-52F1
Marc NR-80F1
Marc NR-81F1 (same as the NR-80F1, except it doesn't have LW band)
Marc NR-82F1
Marc II NR-108F1
Mark Prelude 0A-7689 (same as the Marc NR-82F1)
Mark Prelude 0A-8048 (same as the Silverstone CX-473L)
Mark Prelude 0A-8171 (same as the Conion C-100F)
Mark Prelude 75491 (same as the Radiotone Cordoba 900)
Mark Prelude 89899
Mark Prelude DC-2
Mark Prelude DW-370
Mark Prelude DW-1100 (same as the Sanyo M-7900)
Mark Prelude DW-5750
Mark Prelude DW-6000
Mark Prelude TK-7758

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Wednesday 22 of May, 2024 05:57:15 GMT by Reli.
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