Here is a list of all known boomboxes carrying the Tisonic brand. Most are from the 80s.


Tisonic Brand appears to offer OEM'd or rebranded version of gettoblasters sold by other manufacturers that are either virtually identical or with slight differences in appearances or features.

  • Tisonic PR-5000 (this is merely a re-styled Sankei TCR-S97. Please visit that page for more information).
  • Tisonic PR-6000
  • Tisonic PR-7000 (this is merely a re-styled Tecsonic MX-900E. Please visit that page for more information).
  • Tisonic PR-9000 (this is merely a re-styled Sankei TCR-S90. Please visit that page for more information).
  • Tisonic RC-404 (this is merely a re-styled Nippon SRR013. Please visit that page for more information).

Did we miss any? Please advise us so we can update this list.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday 26 of December, 2019 18:36:56 GMT by Reli.
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