This is a list of Soundmaster brand portable stereo products


Some of these are from the 80s, and others are from the modern era. I'm not sure if it's the same manufacturer.

Soundmaster DAB1000
Soundmaster DAB270SW
Soundmaster DAB650SI
Soundmaster ICD2020
Soundmaster IR3300SI
Soundmaster NR-81F1 (this is identical to the Mark NR-80F1)
Soundmaster RCD1500DBL
Soundmaster SCD1700SW
Soundmaster SCD1800TI
Soundmaster SCD1990SW
Soundmaster SCD1900TI
Soundmaster SCD2120RO
Soundmaster SCD4200BR
Soundmaster SCD5100BL
Soundmaster SCD5100SW
Soundmaster SCD5410BL
Soundmaster SCD5800
Soundmaster SCD5800BL
Soundmaster SCD6900RO
Soundmaster SCD6900SW
Soundmaster SCD7800
Soundmaster SCD7900
Soundmaster SCD8000AN
Soundmaster SCD8000WE
Soundmaster SCD8100SW
Soundmaster SRR70
Soundmaster SRR70TI
Soundmaster TR-60
Soundmaster TSCR-3266
Soundmaster UR240WE

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Tuesday 15 of March, 2022 06:16:55 GMT by Reli.
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