

Until 2004 Grundig was a German manufacturer of electronics. According to wikipedia(external link), Grundig is now under Turkish control. Some portable audio devices they sold are listed below. The Satellit models are SW (shortwave) models without cassette players. Grundig products are considered to be high quality, some being very heavy and well-built. But this author has seen other models that exhibit signs of cheap component selection, especially the way some switches have tips made of plastic that are easily snapped off. It's quite common to see radios offered for sale with missing switches. Also, the manner of construction on many models appears to rely on snap together plastic cases instead of metal fasteners like most other manufacturers. While this results in seamless attractive looks, frequent assembly and disassembly can lead to creaking and broken fastener clips.

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday 02 of April, 2017 18:49:12 GMT by Reli.
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